Friday, November 4, 2011


The weekend always brings with it a chance for something new. Is it the old patterns I have lived with for so long, when I worked Monday-Friday and Friday night started the weekend? Or, is it that there is a bit of free time...some time to do just exactly what I want or just to sleep in a bit or read a book or?

Whatever the case, the weekend is almost upon me and doors open all the time on new opportunities to do or places to go. I think I shall take a bit of time to explore my options and hope that the weather decides to cooperate a bit too. If not, I just might take the opportunity to do exactly nothing. Or do something really slow. That counts too doesn't it? I don't always have to be doing something or going someplace to enjoy the weekend.

Living in the moment is quite hard. It takes a lot of practice and is something that I really need to work on. So, this weekend, I don't think that I will plan anything in advance and I will just see where things take me. I will practice living in the now of the next two days and trust my Divine Guidance to give me exactly what I need. I hope that everyone else will be enjoying their weekends too. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, enjoy those moments. They can change so quickly.


  1. nice...i hope you have a great unplanned weekend....trying to find something now that the family can get into today...

  2. My Mum calls these unstructured times - puttering and I think its the perfect word for pleasing ourselves and taking things at our own pace. Enjoy your weekend. Mine is unstructured too and, I feel all the better for it! penny

  3. Great post. Living in the moment is hard at times, isn't it.

  4. Thank you for this post. I need to be constantly reminded to stay in the moment, something I strive for. Your red door is wonderful and reminds me of opening possibilities. Enjoy your week-end.

  5. I also find living in the moment to be kind of tough. I feel like I am not being organized if I don't plan!

  6. Red Door!

    Teri :) I can't imagine a woman like you not being able to live in the moment. You have a peace about you. A stillness, a quietness of the spirit. Like a lake in the early morning. Beautiful. Deep, calm and wise, yet teeming with life.

  7. I refer to this habit as cooking ideas and inspirations on the back burner....lovely doors to explorations. Peace, Mary Helen


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