It's life's cruel joke, isn't it?
Just when you think you have plenty of time
the glass gets pinched in the middle,
squeezing, constricting, pinching
the time we think we have.
The remainder of time
fills quickly,
ever so
before you know it
you are now at the bottom of
the glass, looking back at the pinched neck
and wondering where all that time you thought you
had, disappeared to. Where did it all go? In the blink of an eye
your children are grown; are married; are having children of their own.
And you? You are at the bottom of the glass, looking up, piled high with sand in
your eyes, trying to dig yourself out for one last moment, one last shot to be at the top.
The saving grace is that each one of those grains of sand are a part of you. They are all with you
at the bottom of the heap, surrounding you with joy, with laughter, with love, and you...?
You wait for
the glass to be turned
over and it
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