Saturday, February 26, 2011


Yesterday, while I was busy sitting at my desk doing paperwork and computer stuff, the three men in my life decided to take naps. It was one of "those" days anyway...the winds were howling, the snow was falling, and we were in our lounging clothes and were anticipating the electricity going out because it was out almost everywhere else but here supposedly.

Today was a different story. We woke up to brilliant blue skies, albeit VERY cold, and all the snow that had fallen had just enough time to freeze as hard as a brick outside. So, before our showing this afternoon we cleaned the house, organized everything neatly, and shoveled snow...lots of snow.

It still is cold outside this evening and expected to get even colder than last night but the process will just repeat itself again tomorrow. The weekends are usually very busy around here but we have developed a system when we need to organize the house fast!

So, rest while you can. It's not every day that you will be able to. I can see in just the short bit of time I was outside this afternoon that there is lots of debris to pick up from the storm. Just one of many chores that are part and parcel of home ownership. It's a good thing that I enjoy it as much as I do. If I didn't, you might just have found me on the other side of the sofa too.


  1. smiles. i dont nap often but when i do you better watch out...smiles.

  2. YOU GOT MY SNOW?????
    What happen? We were suppose to get snow and we got nothin'.
    Today it was so cold that if we had gotten some rain we would have snow....
    Life is so unfair sometimes.

    Love the photo of the men in your life. Cute!
    .... and I like that little coffee table too.

  3. I think snow days like the day you're having are what I like best about our winters. The guys look comfy. Hope you had a chance to snuzzle in there too. And the showing hopefully will be a sale so you won't have to go through the stress of keeping the house in mint condition.

  4. There's nothing as delicious as a long winter afternoon nap!


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